the title
the hook
thesis graphic

Titles and Hooks and Theses--Oh, MY!

Instructions: Read these titles, hooks and thesis statements, and select the top five of each, ranked 1 through 5. Type your explanations for your ranking of each based SOLELY upon their applicability to the topic of this essay, which is NOT "cell phone addiction." That was the far end of the articles that we discussed and summarized about the detrimental impact of cell phone use during classes, but addiction was NOT the topic we have discussed since week one. Be prepared to defend your selections in a small group discussion and a class consensus vote.


  1. Here we are again
  2. Cell phone addiction
  3. Are cell phone users addicted
  4. Is cell phone usage and addiction
  5. Cell phone usage within a class function
  6. Cell phones affecting Student Life
  7. Cell Phone Addiction in today's youth
  8. Cell phone use essay
  9. A handheld distraction, small yet powerful
  10. Cell phone addiction essay
  11. Killing my addiction
  12. Cell phone attachments
  13. The student cell phone addiction
  14. Cell phone policy essay
  15. No title
  16. The impact of cellphones on College success
  17. Simple cell solution
  18. How many think their cell phones are addicting
  19. The impact our smartphones have on our learning
  20. The negative effect of cell phone usage in the classroom


  1. Are you addicted to your cell phone?
  2. Drug usage rates over the United States is no more than 15%, but cell phones are a different story with 85% of young adults having smartphones.
  3. 20 years ago, you would have never seen a cell phone in your grade school, but in this generation, they are completely taking over the schools.
  4. Cell phones are becoming so addictive thomas fast, that it's safe to say, it's close to a chemical dependency.
  5. Addiction-- when someone reads the word Addiction, they tend to think of alcohol, smoking, bill's, etc. However . . .
  6. Since its debut, cell phones have become revolutionary for mankind, letting people connect to others without people going out of their houses and work.
  7. Is your cell phone and addiction that you have?
  8. People everywhere are experiencing the detrimental effects their smartphones have on their life, and many of them may not even realize it.
  9. Should cellphones be allowed in classrooms?
  10. The dictionary defines addiction as quotation mark the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance thing or activity quotation mark.
  11. The majority of students all over the United States own cell phones, with smartphones being the majority type of cell phone owned.
  12. Addiction is a very powerful word, however this accurately depicts this Behavior exhibited by teenagers and even most adults!
  13. Cell phones, are they bad or are they good to have in school?
  14. A lot has been said, research, and reported on concerning cell phone use within classrooms.
  15. "Mom, don't you ever read your texts?"
  16. Certain battles are fought every generation.
  17. Cell phone addiction is an ever-growing epidemic in the United States.
  18. Addiction is a strong word, yet it is used every day to describe the relationship between students and their cell phones.
  19. The average citizen buries their head into their phone 80 times a day, checking at least every 10 minutes.
  20. Cell phone addiction, is it truth or is it a myth?
  21. Only 2% of people can multitask, which means for most people the task of paying attention while also devoting that attention to a cell phone is not a likely possibility.
  22. The social world is never allowed to be paused, it is a constant reminder that the social world is still going on while you're not logged in.
  23. For every 100 hours that you been talking on the phone you increase the risk of brain cancer by as much as 5%.
  24. Do you have someone in your life that uses their phone more than they like to admit?
  25. When you think of addiction your thoughts probably jump to the usual substances; drugs, alcohol, and so on.
  26. A recurring issue in classrooms Nationwide is the use of cell phones because they cause distractions, disruptions, and they also crippled students focus.
  27. Could you go a day without your cell phone in your hand?
  28. As a fellow member of the Generation Z, it is unfortunate to admit that majority of those my age, including myself, are addicted to his or her cell phone.
  29. Cell phones have become a clutch for most of the younger folks in this new age, and our attachment only grows to these devices as they become even more advanced.
  30. Cell phones are becoming an addiction for students, they come to be a representation of social status.
  31. "All entities capable of stimulating a person can be addictive" said H. Algamandan.

Thesis Statements

  1. Cell phone usage has become a problem, but those that complain about it in any setting, occasional or otherwise, one of the oldest pattern in Civilization.
  2. If you have experienced any of these signs consider being accepting of the theory of cell phone addiction because chances are, you are addicted to your device.
  3. Miss using cell phones can become a big problem in a teenager's life especially during or for school.
  4. If nothing is done to decrease this cell phone Addiction in students, their grades will keep continue to reflect poorly on them.
  5. People are not addicted to their cell phones because it is a tool of the modern technology that citizens have been given.
  6. Research and experiments it has come to the attention of many professionals that cellphones cause neurological problems psychological and physical problems too.
  7. Should education truly be a priority to the student then that student will make the choice that is best for their needs.
  8. Cell phone addiction is taking over most teenagers, but most children are becoming addicted. Cell phones affect sleeping patterns social skills in a kid's development.
  9. Cell phone addiction is a behavioral addiction that can lead to impairment and distress in your life.
  10. This has become a recurring problem with today's youth, spending more time on phones in class, extracted from instruction, point of addiction.
  11. Many students will find themselves losing jobs and opportunities to their "obsessive and dependent behavior."
  12. Through collaboration and teamwork between families,, students to develop an agreement on cell phone use during school, school administration conducting research to develop an agreement that suits their Democrat best, students being educated on the influence of heavy cell phone use, classroom disruptions and hostility between teachers and students.
  13. People having an addiction to their cell phone is real and affects how students perform in school, employees work effort, and even the older generation is being affected.
  14. Although when used properly, cell phones can be a great resource to have, using them during class needs to be limited in order to create a more effective, learning environment for students.
  15. Although cell phones are very useful, obsession that students have with them interrupts the learning environment and this causes their grades to suffer.
  16. For students to become less addicted to the phone it is necessary to take action by starting some steps to not use the phone every few minutes or an absurd number of hours.
  17. Ivy league students should not have their cell phones out during due to these reasons.
  18. While some educators hold that cell phone use has become an addiction for teenagers and college students, certainly, there is ample evidence that cell phone use during class has detrimental effects on college students grades and learning outcomes, but the good news is that there are both institutional and individual solutions to the problem.
  19. Many teachers claim that they see a significant difference between the students that are on their phones during class and the ones that are taking notes. It's article we will discuss the detriment of cell phone use and how it affects College in today's society.
  20. What's the difference between the continuous usage of a cell phone in the continuous use of a drug besides legality, anyways?
  21. The cell phone addiction is becoming more of a problem in this current generation of children and the next steps we will take will be to prevent it since it takes the students attention off the class material, students on their phone receive lower-grade, hey, they are unaware of their surroundings while indulge their cellular device.
  22. If one could stop distance action, only would they be more profound student, a better employee as well.
  23. In order to break the addictions most of us have on our cellular devices, we must be willing to educate and be educated upon the effects of cell phones to make changes in our own lives.
  24. Cell phones may be problematic in most cases, but used right, they can help us with life and educational work.
  25. Cell phones are distracting many students is a real problem based on studies done, other people's experience in my own experiences.
  26. As is expected with any type of addiction, excessive phone use can impact our relationships are career and for students are grades and comprehension of the material presented to us.
  27. Students should be able to use their cell phones in class, only for emergencies and not during instruction time.
  28. Students are becoming so addicted to their phones that their focus in the classroom is at an all-time low and I believe that this needs to be rectified with a policy enforcement.
  29. Cell phone usage in the classroom is detrimental to a student's learning experience because it can make the student achieve lower scores on assessments and coursework.
  30. Yes, addiction is a strong word, but if it is physically, mentally, emotionally hurting our society in education we must find a way to overcome the addiction.
  31. In class, there is an issue where students are distracted and constantly on their cell phones.
  32. I firmly believe the improper phone use in class can be harmful to a student's education, to outright ban devices from a classroom would be naive to the potential the smart device to the classroom.
  33. Though in this article they describe the effects of substance abuse, easy to attach the definition to an addiction cell phones.