VCCS English Fundamentals Student Leaning Outcomes (SLOs) for ENF 1, 2 & 3


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:


1. Demonstrate the use of pre-reading, reading, and post-reading skills with college-level texts

1.   Use pre-reading strategies (e.g. previewing, assessing prior knowledge, planning reading and study time, skimming, scanning)

2.   Use reading strategies (e.g. annotating, asking questions, summarizing)

3.   Use post-reading strategies (e.g. reviewing, self-quizzing)

4.   Use metacognitive skills throughout the reading process (e.g. self-monitoring, making connections, and assessing comprehension)


2. Pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and proofread college-level texts

1.   Assess rhetorical situations (e.g. audience, purpose, voice, meaning)

2.   Apply techniques of invention (e.g. brainstorming, mapping, listing, outlining)

3.   Draft with consideration of subject, audience, purpose, voice, written expression and meaning

4.   Revise to produce coherent, clear, and unified texts

5.   Edit to apply the conventions of academic written English, including grammar, usage, and mechanics

6.   Proofread to ensure accuracy of final published texts


3. Expand vocabulary by using various methods

1.   Identify meanings of words in context, using

a.    Example clues

b.   Synonym clues

c.    Antonym clues

d.   General context

2.   Identify meanings of words by analyzing word parts according to

a.    Prefix meaning

b.   Root meaning

c.    Suffix meaning

3.   Identify meanings of words using reference materials

4.   Develop strategies for learning and correctly using vocabulary


4. Demonstrate comprehension by identifying rhetorical strategies and applying them to college-level texts

1.   Analyze organizational pattern

2.   Annotate

3.   Paraphrase

4.   Summarize

5.   Reflect

6.   Respond


5. Analyze college-level texts for stated or implied main idea and major and minor supporting details

1.      Identify the topic

2.      Identify the main idea

3.      Identify the major details

4.      Identify the minor details


6. Demonstrate critical thinking skills when reading and writing college-level texts

1.   Identify audience

2.   Identify purpose of text

3.   Identify tone

4.   Identify point of view

5.   Identify points of argument and types of supporting evidence

6.   Distinguish fact from opinion

7.   Make valid inferences

8.   Analyze

9.   Synthesize

10.  Evaluate


7. Write well-developed, coherent, and unified college-level texts, including paragraphs and essays

1.   Produce writing for different audiences and purposes

2.   Incorporate appropriate and reasoned support and evidence

3.   Apply organizational patterns

4.   Write appropriate, controlling thesis statement

5.   Compose grammatically and mechanically correct sentences that convey the messages clearly, precisely, and fluently

6.   Write logically developed paragraphs that include topic sentences, support, and concluding statements


8. Identify, evaluate, integrate, and document sources properly

1.   Identify and retrieve a variety of relevant sources on a topic

2.   Evaluate varied and applicable sources to determine weight of authority, credibility, objectivity, currency, and relevancy

3.   Demonstrate ability to take notes

4.   Write texts that correctly integrate paraphrased or quoted information from an outside source.

5.   Cite sources using both in-text citations and documentation of sources

6.   Demonstrate understanding of the ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding plagiarism, intellectual property rights, and academic integrity



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