An Annotated Resources Page for Teaching Developmental Writing
A Project of the VCCS Tidewater Region Center for Teaching Excellence Workshops:
"Developmental Writing Teaching Certificate Series"

Brain-Compatible Teaching

Grammar and punctuation words crossword puzzle found in the Internet TESL Journal: What a great site that is!  Those ESL teachers are amazing. Check these Crossword Puzzles for ESL Instruction.  Take those menu links at the top of the page.  Holy cow—what a wealth of resources this is for everything on grammar!

Parts of Speech before going in depth on sentence boundary lessons, it's necessary to reviw some of the basics, like the parts of speech.

Schoolhouse Rock. Tthis sounds goofy, but music is a great memory aid (i.e., how did YOU learn the alphabet?), it gets endorphins flowing in the brain, and a lot of our students recognize the songs.  This site is informative in that it has all the lyrics, and on each individual page is a link to the video for that lesson. (“Conjunction junction, what’s your function . . .”)

Sentence combining sites 

Study Skills: The Learning Toolbox. Eng. 109, 107, and Dev. reading teachers, you will love this fabulous learning skills site developed at JMU. I encourage everyone to check out the material at this site, though, because incorporating more learning-to-learn and study skills strategies into the content of all of our developmental courses is a specific objective that came out of the VCCS Developmental Task Force Report that was published in the Fall.  Besides, it’s fun and easy material to teach, is necessary for our developmental populations, and it can be a lot more interesting material for students to write about than their ideal vacation or some argument topic they know nothing about anyway.

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